Research papers

You can find all my research papers on Google Scholar; many of them are open access (free to read) though some of the older ones are not.

Some of my sole-authored and lead-authored papers are posted here (below) with full text.

If you’d like a copy of any of my research and can’t access it, please reach out and I can email it to you directly.

“Climatic-affective atmospheres”: A conceptual tool for affective scholarship in a changing climate.
atmospheres, affect, emotion, posthuman, relationality blanche verlie atmospheres, affect, emotion, posthuman, relationality blanche verlie

“Climatic-affective atmospheres”: A conceptual tool for affective scholarship in a changing climate.

In everyday contexts ‘climate’ and ‘atmosphere’ are frequently used to refer to either the meteorological or the affective. I suggest we should take such common linguistic usage not as mere coincidence but as evidence of their always-already entangled nature. Definitions of the two can be eerily similar: what is climate, if not a set of relationally composed forces that literally press, shape, form, emanate from, and filter between ecological bodies, as affect has been defined?

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